


    The capitalist economy, as we know it nowadays, was invented by the Dutch empire in the 17th century, further developed by the British empire and is nowadays maintained by the American empire and itīs military-industrial complex. Itīs in itīs very core clearly an imperialistic economy, which is build an the violant submission and enforced exploitation of whole societies and landscapes on behalf of a tiny predatory elite. Itīs a deeply dehumanizing and life-hostile economy, which abuses humans as biological machines and the whole biosphere as exploitable lifestock. But it has no future as such, because itīs destroying systematically itīs own survival base, leaving nothing for the future, but destroyed humanity, disolved sociality and deserted environments. If we as mankind want to survive this immidiate life threat, we have to overcome predator capitalism and introduce new kinds of economical systems, which will have to be basically much more humanizing and environmentally enhancing. We will have to face predator capitalism for what it really is: A WENDIGO MASS PSYCHOSIS. A "Wendigo" is a mental and emotional illness, where the infested stays hungry all the time (for human flesh in itīs original native indian tradition), despite how much they eat to ease their never ending hunger. This hunger is not really one of the stomach, but one of the heart. A victim of wendigo has always closed itīs heart completely for any empathy for their fellow humans and co-beings. Their greed can never be satisfied, because their heart stays starving, while they try to fill their stomachs and other bodily pleasures instead with material luxuries or fill their heads with ideologies and other fancy mind constructs or practice sexual perversions as never really satisfying power games. They are not willing to feel their victims suffering and are not able to leave their egocentric perspective for a common holistic worldview. If one would make a list of the most superrich people currently on Earth and scan them for wendigo symptoms, one would have to recognize, that without any doubt a very dangerous class of heartless sociopaths and psychopaths is leading the world today. We will have to find ways to defund and disempower them systematically - by enforced revolution or mass drop outs from the system or by what ever means it takes to fullfill this task. We will have to stop mankindīs and biosphereīs destruction by the profoundly sick global capitalist wendigo economy and itīs predatory elites. And we will have to develop a new kind of economical thinking and ethics, which are better suited for the essential role, a sane economy should actually play collectively: To enhance the wealth and wellbeing of all people and beings on Earth, to provide everybody with food and shelter and inspiration for spiritual growth, to share highly developed social and ethical values throughout society and to boost further human evolution towards growing humanity and divinity. Thatīs what a really valuable economy would stand for. I like to call this type of sane economy a "LIFE ENHANCING ECONOMY". Itīs based generally on the cultivation of the human heart, on empathy instead of egoism between humans as a social binding agent, on collaboration instead of competition as an economical driving force and on an entrepreneurship, which is not motivated by personal greed, but by bettering the world through the means of economic activities, technical inventions and creating material wealth and psychological sanity for everybody. Basically we need much more an interior motivational change of economical actors and leaders, than an exterior change of the actual production systems like factories or bureaus. So we will not have to rebuild the whole physical production system, but just elaborating a new set of economical ethics. We will have to define exactly, what are actually humanizing and life friendly economical values in any actual part of economy, how to implement and support them and how to banish and sanction "economic assholes", who still want to play the hunger games of their sick personal wendigo greed with us. We - the awakening people of the world and the healers of current civilization - are not willing to take predator capitalism any more. We will heal and transform or destroy and rebuild it. I as one of the most active leaders of this global movement towards a new life enhancing economy can guarantee you that with all my life force, creativity and network competence. Thereīs no alternative for our collective economic healing and further spiritual evolution. So letīs begin to do the necessary healing work now!

    Who is interested now in deepening this discussion or demanding healing sessions for their economical corporation or institution, may contact me open heartedly and ask for a philosophical exchange of ideas or an initiation into economic healing methods and advanced ethics for a new life enhancing economy. As futurologist, evolutionary philosopher and neoshaman I offer a profound holistic CONSULTING & COACHING  FOR ECONOMIC HEALING:

E-mail: info@evolutionleapers.com

or send me a message directly to my inbox (click)

Evolutionary Philosopher &
  founder of the Think Tank
